Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

I can't believe that I have just finished my second year on City Council.  It has been such an honor to represent the First Ward of Lansing.  I have come to know so many incredible people and have come to truly recognize that we are an amazing city.  

As the First Ward Council member, I have attempted to do my best to communicate with the constituents of the First Ward and to be as transparent as I possibly can be.  In an effort to keep in touch, I have held 1st Contact meetings the first Saturday of each month--which I will continue to hold--attended neighborhood meetings, given out my personal cell phone number, attended events, and anything else I could think of. 

I am now excited to introduce my blog as another means of communication.  This page will be updated at least once a week, possibly more.  The purpose of this page is to get out information regarding time and place of council meetings, Committee of the Whole, council committee meetings and board meetings.  Further, I will record the issues and how council members voted regarding those issues. Lastly, I will provide information regarding happenings on our side of town. 

I will be presenting facts here.  I will not be using this page for my personal opinions.  I may, however, use it from time to time to explain my vote on a particular issue.  

I hope this page is useful.  In addition, I am always available by phone:  Office: 483-4181 / Cell: 599-5271, or by e-mail at jwashington@lansingmi.gov.  Lastly, I would love to see you at my 1st Contact meeting held the first Saturday of each month at The Avenue (2021 Michigan Ave.) from 10:30 a.m. to noon.

I am looking forward to serving the 1st Ward for another two years, and will continue to represent you to the best of my ability.



  1. At your next meeting, could you discuss the best ways to deal with nuisance renters living in unlicensed properties?
    N Clemens Neighbor
