Thursday, February 27, 2014

How They Voted - City Council Meeting 2/24/14

City Council Meeting of 02/24/2014

How They Voted:

1. Notice of Intent to file Drain Petition – Montgomery Drain 
This is actually the first of 20 steps that must be taken prior to the Drain Commissioner beginning the project. This first step was council approving the resolution stating we have an intent to establish a drainage area.
All council members voted in the affirmative to pass the resolution.
The resolution was sent to the Drain Commissioner on Tuesday. He will now establish a drainage area. This will be sent back to council, and public hearings will then be set. There are many other steps in the process, and I will inform you of them as they occur.

1. Resolution for budget transfer, emergency shelter grant funds.

2. Resolution for budget transfer, 54a District Court’s special Sobriety Court 120 people have gone through this special court. It has been so successful that other areas are considering sending folks to this court. We will not be paying for those folks.

3. Budget transfer and grant acceptance to fund technology equipment.The grant is for $16,120, and is a one-time grant. The monies will be used for upgrades to the security systems at the Wainwright School building which is currently closed. The Lansing School District is putting some offices in the building.

4. Budget transfer and grant acceptance to fund traffic safety equipment. The grant is $8,794 and has a 10% match from the city. The monies will be used to place lights on the top of the traffic signals at Cavanaugh and MLK and Holmes and MLK. The lights will identify if someone has ran a red light and can be seen from a distance by LPD. The monies will also be used to buy a new speed wagon.
All council members voted in the affirmative to pass the above four resolutions.

1. Ordinance to Amend Chapter 811 of the Lansing Codified Ordinances to authorize a new Cable Franchise Agreement with Westphalia Broadband, Inc.
All council members voted in the affirmative to pass the ordinance.


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