Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Special Council Meeting

Last night, the Lansing City Council had a special council meeting to vote on whether or not the following four items should be placed on the ballot for November:

1. The sale of Grand Woods Park -  Grand Woods Park is dedicated park land that sits in Delta Township.  Delta Township has been leasing the park for the past 30 years.  The lease is coming to an end.  Delta Township will be having an assessment done, at their expense, of the park.  The goal is to have Delta Township purchase the park and keep it a park.  Any proceeds from the sale of this park to any entity will be used for improvements in the City of Lansing Park and Recreation system.

2. The sale of the Miller Road Community Center-  This center is located at 6025 Curry Lane, Lansing, Michigan.  The park that constitute the property is a dedicated City of Lansing park.  The administration believes that it is in the best interest of the city--because the city will no longer incur the expenses associated with maintaining the property--to sell this property.  Any proceeds made from the sale will be used for improvements in the City of Lansing Parks and Recreation system.  The community center quit being used for such in 2011.  Currently, the Peppermint Creek Theater Company rents the building for their productions.  The theater company has been renting and maintaining the building, but at this time, are not in a position to buy the building.  The City, however, is hopeful that sometime during the next two years Peppermint Creek may possibly be able to make the purchase.  Until that time, the City will continue to lease to the theater company and will not displace them.  The lease runs from February to February.  Therefore, they will have a lease until at least February 2016.

3. City Charter Amendment and Ballot Proposal – Lansing Board of Water and Light Regional Representation – If passed by the voters in November, this will open three advisory, non-voting, representatives of customers and citizens outside the City of Lansing.  These seats would be as follows:

a.       One appointed by East Lansing
b.       One appointed by Delta Township
c.       One at-large seat representing the remaining communities in the BWL service territory, the appointment of which will be rotated between the following municipalities annually:

1.       Meridian Township
2.       Delhi Township
3.       DeWitt Township
4.       Lansing Township
5.       City of East Lansing

4. City Charter Amendment and Proposal – Mayor Emergency Powers – If passed by the voters in November, this will give the mayor executive powers over the Board of Water & Light in the event of and during emergencies and disasters.  This would give the mayor executive power to use personnel, supplies, equipment, etc., in whatever manner he/she deems necessary for the duration of the emergency or disaster.  The mayor can declare an emergency for up to seven days without going before city council.  After seven days, council must weigh in.

 All four ballot initiatives were approved unanimously by council. 

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